WHEN: 01-01-1970

From 7th- 31st January we will be working with the charity  The Felix Project to raise money for the redistribution of food to fight food waste and starvation in London.

1.5 million adults in London struggle to afford to eat every day, 400,000 children are at risk of missing the next meal. Meanwhile, our food industry generates 3 million tonnes of good, edible surplus food each year. As such,  The Felix Project, a London-based food redistribution charity set up in 2016, is determind to tackle both issues.

“We rescue good, surplus food from the food industry that cannot be sold and would otherwise go to waste. This is high-quality and nutritious, including a high proportion of fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods, salads, meat and fish. We collect or receive food from over 539 suppliers, including supermarkets, wholesalers, farms, restaurants and delis.

We then sort and then deliver this food to almost 1000 front-line charities, primary schools and holiday programmes in London. That way, food that would have gone to waste is reaching vulnerable people, homeless, people with mental health or those who simply cannot afford to buy regular, healthy food.”

The Felix project was set up in the memory of Felix Byam Shaw, who passed away from Meningitis in 2014. His Father wanted to honour Felix’s memory by forming the project, and was inspired by his compassion for those without his advantages in life.

Throughout January, D&D London will be adding a £1 voluntary donation to every customer’s bill, so The Felix Project  can continue to help support food redistribution and end hunger poverty in London this January.

Please join us in helping to raise money in Felix’s memory by supporting The Felix Project this January.