“Love Me, Love Me Not” is a striking and thought provoking exhibition highlighting the suffering experienced by women all over the world as they continue to fall victim to virulent phenomena afflicted upon them. The showcase of twenty-five plus artworks and portraits, features successful women of various nationalities and also sheds light on the emancipation these women have come to experience.
The exhibition, supported by UN Women, will be on display for one week during London Fashion Week at The Den, Wardour Street, opening evening February 17th 2016 from 6pm.
RSVP to info@100wardourst.com
Nijad Abdul Massih was born on September 4th, 1968 in Beino Akkar, the northernmost region of Lebanon. Living in Beirut in the 70’s, however, he witnessed the civil war which split the country among various opposing sects.The ongoing political conflict led him to embark on a journey of self-discovery as he travelled the world from South to North America, then to Europe and finally back to the Arab world. Inspired by his travels, his artistic vision entails creatively documenting moments of truth and reality to highlight the sensitive social issues that plague society.